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Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouses and Self-Storage Buildings

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Дата загрузки: 25 Мая 2014 года, 21:11

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Achieving 30% Energy Savings Toward a Net Zero Energy Building

The Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Warehouses and Self-Storage Buildings is the fourth in a series of Guides that address building types that represent major energy users in the commercial building stock. A huge debt of gratitude is extended to the authors of the previous Guides because they paved the way and defined the basic structure, content, and format of the books as well as the procedures for the reporting and the reviews. Following in their footsteps has provided consistency among these two Guides in addition to being a tremendous time saver. Building upon the previous work also allowed the Project Committee to finish its work in a very short period of time. Continuity with the previous Guides was further maintained because many of the same organizational partners were involved, as were many of the project committee members as well. ASHRAE was again the lead organization, with full support from the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Individuals from each of these organizations served as members of the Steering Committee under the leadership of 2002–2003 ASHRAE President Don Colliver. Their contributions were significant in terms of the direction and oversight they provided to the ASHRAE Special Project 114 Committee (SP-114).

Members on the project committee came from the partner organizations, ASHRAE Standing Standards Project Committee 90.1 (SSPC 90.1), several ASHRAE Technical Committees, and the Metal Building Manufacturers Association. These members served not only on the project committee but also as liaisons to their respective organizations where they coordinated the multiple technical reviews. This group of project committee members consisted of mostly veterans of previous Guides and demonstrated what can be accomplished when people have a good working relationship and are given a very short timeline to complete a very large task. From the first organizational meeting in late March 2007 to the final document approval in September 2007, these folks remained focused and dedicated to the task at hand.

In addition to the voting members on the committee, there were a number of other individuals who contributed to the success of this Guide. The specific individuals and their contributions were: Bing Liu and Wei Jiang of the Pacific Northwest National for the simulation runs and results; Lilas Pratt of ASHRAE for her assistance, organiza-tional skills, and dedication to the project as well as serving as a gracious host at all the meetings at ASHRAE Headquarters; and Cindy Sheffield Michaels of ASHRAE for the editing and layout of the book. This Guide could not have been developed without all of their contributions.

I am very proud of the Guide that the project committee developed and am amazed at the accomplishment in such a short time period. Each project committee member as well should be proud of their individual contributions to this most worthwhile document.

Ronald E. Jarnagin
SP-114 Chair
January 2008

Метки (теги): ASHRAE Guide Warehouse Self-Storage Building 
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