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701.415.2 Additional protection: supplementary protective equipotential bonding
Local supplementary equipotential bonding according to 415.2 shall be established, connecting the protective conductor to the exposed-conductive-parts and accessible extraneous-conductive-parts within a room containing a bath tub and/or a shower.
Supplementary equipotential bonding may be erected outside or inside rooms containing a bath or shower, preferably close to the point of entry of extraneous-conductive-parts into such rooms.
The cross-sectional area of these local protective equipotential bonding conductors shall be in accordance with 543.1.3 of IEC 60364-5-54.
The following are examples of possible extraneous-conductive-parts:
– metallic parts of water supply systems and metallic parts of waste water systems;
– metallic parts of heating systems and metallic parts of air conditioning systems;
– metallic parts of gas supply systems;
– accessible structural metallic parts.
Plastic sheathed metal pipes are not required to be connected to the local supplementary equipotential bonding provided they are not accessible in the location and unless they are connected to accessible conductive parts which are not themselves bonded.
NOTE 1 In the USA, all metallic non-current carrying parts of the electrical system, including those that are plastic sheathed, shall be connected to the supplementary equipotential bonding system.
NOTE 2 In Finland, Great Britain and Switzerland, because of the main equipotential bonding in a building, there is no need for the additional equipotential bonding.
In cases where in a building is no main equipotential bonding, the following extraneous-conductive-parts which enter into rooms containing a bath or shower shall be part of the supplementary equipotential bonding:
– parts of fresh water supply systems and waste water systems;
– parts of heating systems and air conditioning systems;
– parts of gas supply systems.
NOTE 3 In Spain, these requirements do not apply outside:
- Zones 0, 1 and 2;
- the zone limited by the boundary of the zone 2 and the vertical surface at a distance of 240 cm from the zone 2 border, with a height of 225 cm above the finished floor level; and
- the space placed above zone 2, up to the ceiling or a height of 3 m, whichever is lower.